My Little Library

Hello to my fellow seekers of  mindful reading!

Whether you're a seasoned bibliophile or just beginning your journey into the world of slow living, you've found your haven here at our Library Page.

At the heart of our community lies a passion for self-sufficiency and reducing our environmental footprint. What better way to enrich our lives than through the pages of a good book, savored in the tranquility of our own space? Here, we celebrate the art of slow living—a lifestyle that values quality over quantity, mindfulness over haste.

Through our shared love for books, we aspire to inspire and empower one another. From practical guides on permaculture to inspirational tales of sustainable living, our library is brimming with carefully curated recommendations. Let's explore together, discover new perspectives, and embrace the joy of learning at our own pace.

Join us in building a collection of thoughts, ideas, and stories that resonate with our values. Whether you're here to borrow, recommend, or simply connect with like-minded souls, we invite you to immerse yourself in the essence of slow living and sustainability through the magic of literature.

Let the journey begin—one page at a time! 



If you'd like to study for exams efficiently, speak a foreign language, memorize a speech, learn to play a new musical instrument, or improve your general knowledge, memory-training expert Tansel shows you how to do it quickly and effectively with the aid of a few memory tricks.

Even if you have never been a farmer or a gardener, this book covers everything you need to know to get started:

  • Buying and saving seeds
  • Starting seedlings
  • Establishing raised beds
  • Soil fertility practices
  • Composting
  • Dealing with pest and disease problems
  • Crop rotation
  • Selling your produce arm planning, and much more.


You’re about to discover everything you need to know to turn yesterday’s waste into tomorrow’s dinner. In this unique guide to food growing, you’ll discover:

  • The full range of benefits you’ll see when you start regrowing your fruit and veg (including some surprising health benefits)
  • The #1 thing you want to make before you begin (don’t worry – it won’t cost you a cent)
  • A complete guide to regrowing your store-bought veggies (with specific guidance for a comprehensive range of vegetables)
  • Exactly how you can regrow some of your favorite fruits from your weekly grocery shop
  • Herb-by-herb guidance so you can regrow flavor for every meal
  • From oysters and portobello to shiitake… How to regrow your favorite mushrooms for incredible risotto at a fraction of the cost
  • Everything you need to know about fertilizers, pesticides, and gardening tools – and how to make sure you spend as little as possible on keeping your new garden healthy
  • Why timing matters – uncover the secret to making sure your regrowing plans come to fruition

And much more.

What is slow living? It's a way to find happiness by stepping away from the never-ending demands to constantly succeed and acquire more and more. It's easy to get stuck in the carousel of frantically wanting, buying, and upgrading the things in your life. The philosophy of simple living is about finding the freedom to be less perfect and taking time to enjoy the pure joys of life: a walk in the forest, sharing laughter with family, a personal moment of gratitude. Reconnecting with the living world can help you integrate moments of peace, joy, and mindfulness into an otherwise rapid life.


In Slow: Simple Living for a Frantic World, you'll find:

  • Guidance for forming your own slow life
  • Ways to declutter and de-own
  • Tips to replace messiness with mindfulness
  • Paths forward to answer the question "Where to now?"